
69,00 €

Boutique Percussion

Percussion Library for Logic Pro.

Xtreme Samples Boutique libraries for Logic Pro Sampler (former EXS24)

extend the Logic factory library with high-quality sampled instruments. They were developed with the aim of constructing complex arrangements across various music genres using Sampler (EXS24), minimizing reliance on external libraries and virtual instruments whenever possible. The instruments are highly suitable as sound sources for working with commercial MIDI files. This allows users to achieve the best possible sound while creating backing tracks based on MIDI files.

Articulation ID support

Selected instruments within the Boutique Libraries series come with support for Articulation IDs (abbreviated as AID). Articulation IDs enable the association of multiple articulations with a single MIDI note, simplifying access to these articulations without the need for complex key combinations or keyswitching methods. This feature allows for articulation changes through Event and Piano Roll Editors or in real-time via Smart Controls or modulation routing. For instance, a brass instrument might include articulations such as falls, slides, and rips, while strings might offer a range from legato to staccato, and more.

Boutique Percussion Library Specifications

Type Apple Logic Pro Sampler library
Format Sampler (former EXS24)
Series Boutique Series
Sample format wav
Sample resolution 24 bit / 44.1 kHz
Looped yes, if requiered
Instruments total 372
Samples total 15.279
Size 8.4 GB
Compatibility Logic Pro Sampler
Requirements MAC with Logic Pro 10.8 or higher
Delivery Download
Instruments Overview
No Category Group Instrument No Category Group Instrument No Category Group Instrument
1 Orchestral Anvils Anvil AID 125 Orchestral Snares Snare Section 1 AID 249 World Claves Claves Mali Duo
2 Orchestral Anvils Anvil Wet 126 Orchestral Snares Snare Section 1 Mono AID 250 World Claves Claves Pop Trio 1
3 Orchestral Bass Drums Bass Drum Concert AID 127 Orchestral Snares Snare Section 2 AID 251 World Claves Claves Pop Trio 2
4 Orchestral Bass Drums Bass Drum Orchestral Duo 128 Orchestral Snares Snare Section 2 Mono AID 252 World Claves Claves Wet
5 Orchestral Bass Drums Classic Bass Drum AID 129 Orchestral Snares Snare Septimbre 14x6i RR AID 253 World Congas Conga Duo LP Galaxy
6 Orchestral Bass Drums Ludwig BD 18x40 AID 130 Orchestral Thunder Sheets Thunder Sheet AID 254 World Congas Conga Trio Marathon
7 Orchestral Bass Drums Yamaha BD 16x38 AID 131 Orchestral Thunder Sheets Thunder Sheet Large 255 World Congas Conga Trio Meinl FC 1
8 Orchestral Bells Bells Orchestral 132 Orchestral Thunder Sheets Thunder Sheet Medium 256 World Congas Conga Trio Meinl FC 2
9 Orchestral Bells Belltree Sonor 133 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Adams GM RR AID 257 World Cowbells Cowbell Downtown
10 Orchestral Bells Christmas Bells LP 134 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Adams Hard RR AID 258 World Cowbells Cowbell Latin Trio
11 Orchestral Bells Christmas Bells LP2 135 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Hard Duo 259 World Cowbells Cowbell LP 229 Mambo 1
12 Orchestral Bells Christmas Bells Meinl 136 Orchestral Timpani Timpani NN AID 260 World Cowbells Cowbell LP 229 Mambo 2
13 Orchestral Bells Sleigh Bells 137 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Smooth Duo 261 World Cowbells Cowbell Rock LS AID
14 Orchestral Bells Tubular Bells Orchestral 138 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Water Lights GM RR AID 262 World Cowbells Cowbell Rock
15 Orchestral Bells Tubular Bells 139 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Wet 1 263 World Cuicas Cuica Contemporanea
16 Orchestral Bells X-Belltree Orchestral 140 Orchestral Timpani Timpani Wet 2 264 World Darbukas Darbuka Meinl HE-215 RR AID
17 Orchestral Blocks Temple Block Hard AID 141 Orchestral Triangles Triangle 10i RR 265 World Darbukas Darbuka Persian RR
18 Orchestral Blocks Temple Block Orchestral Duo 142 Orchestral Triangles Triangle 15i RR 266 World Djembes Djembe Afroton 1 AID
19 Orchestral Blocks Temple Block Plastic Duo 143 Orchestral Triangles Triangle 20i RR 267 World Djembes Djembe Afroton 2 AID
20 Orchestral Blocks Temple Block Soft AID 144 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Abel 4i RR AID 268 World Djembes Djembe Bali AID
21 Orchestral Blocks Temple Block Wood 145 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Abel 6i RR AID 269 World Djembes Djembe Meinl DJW3 1
22 Orchestral Blocks Woodblock Vaughn Cherry Duo 146 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Grover 6i RR AID 270 World Djembes Djembe Meinl DJW3 2
23 Orchestral Blocks Woodblock Vaughn Hard Maple Duo 147 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Grover 9i RR AID 271 World Doumbeks Doumbek Meinl HE-3018 RR
24 Orchestral Blocks Woodblock Vaughn Mahogany Duo 148 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Orchestral AID 272 World Dununs Dunun Kencedeni
25 Orchestral Blocks Woodblock Vaughn Walnut Duo 149 Orchestral Triangles Triangle Trio RR 273 World Dununs Dunun Mandinka
26 Orchestral Blocks Woodblock Vaughn Walnut Picco 150 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibra Slap Large 1 274 World Dununs Dunun Sangban
27 Orchestral Castagnetes Castagnetes Epstein Ebony 151 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibra Slap Large 2 275 World Dununs Dunun Trio
28 Orchestral Castagnetes Castagnetes Epstein Rosewood 152 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibra Slap Medium 1 276 World Dununs Dunun
29 Orchestral Castagnetes Castagnetes NN Orchestral Wet 153 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibra Slap Medium 2 277 World Eggs Shaker Egg Shaker Meinl AID
30 Orchestral Celeste Celeste 154 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibra Slap Orchestral Wet 278 World Eggs Shaker Egg Shaker Meinl
31 Orchestral Chimes Barchimes 155 Orchestral Vibra Slaps Vibraslap 279 World Framedrums Bendir 1 AID
32 Orchestral Chimes Belltree 156 Orchestral Whistles Slide Whistle 280 World Framedrums Bendir 2 AID
33 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Deagan Rawhide 157 Orchestral Whistles Whistle Orchestral Wet AID 281 World Framedrums Tar L RR AID
34 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Deagan Soft 158 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Adams Blues 282 World Framedrums Tar M RR AID
35 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Metal China 159 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Adams Hard 283 World Gongs Gong Burma
36 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Metal Large 160 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Deagan Blues AID 284 World Gongs Gong Chinese Large
37 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Musser Rawhide 161 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Deagan Bright AID 285 World Gongs Gong Chinese Opera
38 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Musser Soft 162 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Deagan Heavy AID 286 World Gongs Gong Mini AID
39 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Musser Xylo Mallet 163 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Deagan Rubber AID 287 World Grids Whitmor Grid AID
40 Orchestral Chimes Chimes Orchestral Wet 164 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone NN 288 World Guiros Guiro Cubano
41 Orchestral Chimes Door Chimes 165 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Orchestral NN 289 World Guiros Guiro Ecuador
42 Orchestral Chimes Windchimes LP Double Row AID 166 Orchestral Xylophones Xylophone Wet 290 World Guiros Guiro LP243 1
43 Orchestral Chimes Windchimes LP Single Row AID 167 Pop Blocks Woodblock Latin Duo 291 World Guiros Guiro LP243 2
44 Orchestral Chimes Windchimes Treeworks Medium AID 168 Pop Claping Sticks Claping Stick African 292 World Guiros Guiro Merenque
45 Orchestral Chimes Windchimes Treeworks Small AID 169 Pop Claps Claps 1 FX 293 World Guiros Guiro Mexicano 1
46 Orchestral Chimes Wood Chimes 1 AID 170 Pop Claps Claps 1 294 World Guiros Guiro Mexicano 2
47 Orchestral Chimes Wood Chimes 2 AID 171 Pop Claps Claps 2 295 World Guiros Guiro Rio
48 Orchestral Chimes Wood Windchimes 1 172 Pop Claps Claps Club RR 296 World Kokirikos Kokiriko KO1AM AID
49 Orchestral Chimes Wood Windchimes 2 173 Pop Claps Claps WH RR 297 World Kokirikos Kokiriko LP437 RR
50 Orchestral Chimes Wood Windchimes 3 174 Pop Claps Handclaps Group 298 World Maracas Maracas LP393-RH AID
51 Orchestral Clapsticks Clapstick Orchestral 175 Pop Claps Handclaps Single 299 World Maracas Maracas MA-26
52 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Tom BE-R18 AID 176 Pop Fingersnaps Fingersnaps 1 RR 300 World Maracas Maracas PM-1 AID
53 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Tom BE-R18 177 Pop Fingersnaps Fingersnaps 1 301 World Marimbas Marimba African
54 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Tom BE-R18S AID 178 Pop Fingersnaps Fingersnaps 2 302 World Marimbas Marimbula African
55 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Tom BE-R18S 179 Pop Snares Snare Ludwig LR-751 HT AID 303 World Pandeiros Pandeiro Contemporanea
56 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Toms Mallet AID 180 Pop Snares Snare Ludwig LR-751 LT AID 304 World Rainmakers Rainmaker Afroton 100 RR
57 Orchestral Concert Toms Concert Toms Sticks AID 181 Pop Snares Snare Ludwig LR-751 MT AID 305 World Rainmakers Rainmaker Afroton 100
58 Orchestral Crotales Crotales Aluminium Mallets 182 Pop Snares Snare Pearl WF RR 306 World Rainmakers Rainmaker Afroton 50
59 Orchestral Crotales Crotales Medium Plastic 183 Pop Snares Snare Sonor Wood 1 AID 307 World Rainmakers Rainmaker Afroton 75 RR
60 Orchestral Crotales Crotales Tibetan 184 Pop Snares Snare Sonor Wood 2 AID 308 World Rainmakers Rainmaker Afroton 75
61 Orchestral Crotales Crotales Wet 185 Pop Snares Snare Tama LMP 1 AID 309 World Reco Recos Reco Reco Gope 1
62 Orchestral Cymbals China 11i NN 186 Pop Snares Snare Tama LMP 2 AID 310 World Reco Recos Reco Reco Gope 2
63 Orchestral Cymbals China 12i NN 187 Pop Snares Snare Tama LMP Rods 1 AID 311 World Ritual Drums Bagarabou Afroton 1 AID
64 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 15i NN 188 Pop Snares Snare Tama LMP Rods 2 AID 312 World Ritual Drums Bagarabou Afroton 2 AID
65 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 18i German NN 189 Pop Sticks Slap Stick 313 World Ritual Drums Baya Indian
66 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 18i NN 190 Pop Sticks Stick Clicks 314 World Ritual Drums Footpercussion West African
67 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 20i 1 NN 191 Pop Tambourines Tambourine German Silver RR AID 315 World Ritual Drums Koplok
68 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 20i 2 NN 192 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Grover Bronze RR AID 316 World Ritual Drums Korean Drum Trio
69 Orchestral Cymbals Crash 21i NN 193 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Meinl TMT2M 1 AID 317 World Ritual Drums Log Drum African Trio
70 Orchestral Cymbals Finger Cymbal Thick 194 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Meinl TMT2M 2 AID 318 World Ritual Drums Stepping Drums
71 Orchestral Cymbals Finger Cymbal Thin 195 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Nickel RR AID 319 World Ritual Drums Tombass
72 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 14i Zildjian Dark AID 196 Pop Tambourines Tambourine NN AID 320 World Shakers Shaker LP442A Big RR
73 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 16i Constantinople AID 197 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Orchestral Wet AID 321 World Shakers Shaker LP442A RR
74 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 16i Zildjian AID 198 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Silver Bronze RR AID 322 World Shakers Shaker Metal Duo
75 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 17i Paiste Signature AID 199 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Tama TJR7 323 World Shakers Shaker SH7 RR 1 AID
76 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 17i Zildjian Vienese AID 200 Pop Tambourines Tambourine Vaughn AID 324 World Shakers Shaker SH7 RR 2 AID
77 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 18i Constantinople AID 201 Pop Tambourines Tambourine WH RR 325 World Shakers Shaker SK-30 RR
78 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 18i NN 202 Pop Toms Rototoms 326 World Shakers Shaker SK-30
79 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 18i Sabian German AID 203 Pop Wood Boxes Woodbox AID 327 World Shakers Shaker SK-35 RR
80 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 18i Sabian Vienese AID 204 World Agogos Agogo Capoeira 328 World Shakers Shaker SK-40
81 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 18i Zildjian Dark AID 205 World Agogos Agogo Contemporanea 329 World Shakers Shaker Studio AID
82 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 19i Zildjian AID 206 World Agogos Agogo LP 231A 330 World Shekeres Shekere Afroton AID
83 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 20i Constantinople AID 207 World Agogos Agogo LP 231B Large 331 World Shekeres Shekere Greiner
84 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 20i NN 208 World Agogos Agogo LP 231B STD 332 World Shekeres Shekere PSK-5
85 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 20i Zildjian German AID 209 World Agogos Agogo Nino 505 L 333 World Shekeres Shekere PSK-50
86 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 21i NN 210 World Agogos Agogo Nino 505 M 334 World Surdos Sourdo 20i Contemporanea 4
87 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral 21i Sabian AID 211 World Agogos Agogo Nino 505 S 335 World Surdos Surdo 12i Remo AID
88 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral Cymbals NN Rolls 212 World Agogos Agogo Sonor RR 336 World Surdos Surdo 20i Contemporanea 1
89 Orchestral Cymbals Orchestral Cymbals Trio 213 World Agogos Agogo Wood AID 337 World Surdos Surdo 20i Contemporanea 2 RR
90 Orchestral Cymbals Ride 19i NN 214 World Animals Cow 338 World Surdos Surdo 20i Contemporanea 3
91 Orchestral Cymbals Ride 20i NN 215 World Balafons Balafon Mali 1 339 World Tablas Tablas RR AID
92 Orchestral Cymbals Splash 10i NN 216 World Balafons Balafon Mali 2 340 World Taiko Drums Taiko Drums RR
93 Orchestral Cymbals Vienna NN 217 World Barrels Oil Barrel L AID 341 World Talking Drums Talking Drum ATD-M AID
94 Orchestral Cymbals Wave Cymbal 1 FX 218 World Barrels Oil Barrel XL AID 342 World Talking Drums Talking Drum ATD-M RR
95 Orchestral Cymbals Wave Cymbal 2 FX 219 World Barrels Oil Barrel XXL AID 343 World Tam Drums Tam Drum RR
96 Orchestral FX Orchestral Percussion FX 1 220 World Bombos Bombo Trio 344 World Timbales Timbale Duo High AID
97 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Brass Mallets 221 World Bongos Bongo Duo Brasil 345 World Timbales Timbale Duo Low AID
98 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Deagan Alumiunum 222 World Bongos Bongo Duo Plastic 346 World Timbales Timbale Rio RR AID
99 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Deagan Brass 223 World Bongos Bongo Duo Salsa 347 World Tubes FX Tubes AID
100 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Deagan Bright 224 World Bongos Bongo Trio 348 World Tubes Pot Tubes
101 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Deagan Glisses 225 World Cabasas Cabasa LP 234 1 349 World Tubes Viral Tubes
102 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Fall Creek Glisses 226 World Cabasas Cabasa LP 234 2 350 World Tubes Yingli Cutlery Tubes 1
103 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Hard Plastic 227 World Cabasas Cabasa LP234C 1 351 World Tubes Yingli Cutlery Tubes 2
104 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Mallet Orchestral 228 World Cabasas Cabasa LP234C 2 352 World Tubes Yingli Cutlery Tubes 3
105 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Medium Rubber Mallets 229 World Cabasas Cabasa NN Large 353 World Udus Udu ID4 1 AID
106 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Wet Mellow 230 World Cabasas Cabasa NN Medium 354 World Udus Udu ID4 2 AID
107 Orchestral Glockenspiels Glockenspiel Wet 231 World Cabasas Cabasa NN Small 355 Xtra GM Bongos 1 GM
108 Orchestral Gongs Gong 21i Paiste AID 232 World Cajons Cajon De Gregorio 1 AID 356 Xtra GM Bongos 2 GM
109 Orchestral Gongs Gong 28i Zildjian AID 233 World Cajons Cajon De Gregorio 2 AID 357 Xtra GM Cabasa 1 GM
110 Orchestral Gongs Gong 40i Sabian AID 234 World Cajons Yambu YD444 1 AID 358 Xtra GM Cabasa 2 GM
111 Orchestral Gongs Gong Orchestral 1 AID 235 World Cajons Yambu YD444 2 AID 359 Xtra GM Congas 1 GM
112 Orchestral Gongs Gong Orchestral 2 AID 236 World Cans Garbage Can AID 360 Xtra GM Congas 2 GM
113 Orchestral Marimbas Marimba Orchestral 237 World Cans Garbage Can Duo 361 Xtra GM Cowbell 1 GM
114 Orchestral Ratchets Ratchet Orchestral 1 238 World Cans Plastic Can 362 Xtra GM Cowbell 2 GM
115 Orchestral Ratchets Ratchet Orchestral 2 239 World Cans Shakey Can AID 363 Xtra GM Maracas 1 GM
116 Orchestral Ratchets Ratchet Orchestral Wet 240 World Castagnetes Castagnetes Spain 1 364 Xtra GM Maracas 2 GM
117 Orchestral Ratchets Ratchet 241 World Castagnetes Castagnetes Spain 2 365 Xtra GM Shaker 1 GM
118 Orchestral Snares Snare Black Beauty 14x4i RR AID 242 World Caxixi Caxixi Capoeira RR AID 366 Xtra GM Shaker 2 GM
119 Orchestral Snares Snare Concert NN RR AID 243 World Caxixi Caxixi LCX-L 1 367 Xtra GM Shaker 3 GM
120 Orchestral Snares Snare Gladstone 14x7i RR AID 244 World Caxixi Caxixi LCX-L 2 368 Xtra GM Tambourine 1 GM
121 Orchestral Snares Snare Ludwig FD 14x10i RR AID 245 World Caxixi Caxixi LCX-S 369 Xtra GM Tambourine 2 GM
122 Orchestral Snares Snare Ludwig HH 14x16i RR AID 246 World Claves Claves Ballad RR 370 Xtra GM Tambourine 3 GM
123 Orchestral Snares Snare Pearl Solid Maple RR AID 247 World Claves Claves Cuban Quattro 371 Xtra GM Tambourine 4 GM
124 Orchestral Snares Snare Radio King 14x5i RR AID 248 World Claves Claves LP 212 RR 372 Xtra GM Triangle GM